10 Most Terrifying Horror Movie Werewolves

5. Late Phases

Wer Movie
Dark Sky Films

A low budget picture with a smart gimmick, Late Phases sees a blind war veteran move into a peaceful retirement community, only to learn that the town is perpetually menaced by a werewolf. As is the style for the genre, the local coppers don’t believe a word of this, and so it’s down to the cantankerous Ambrose McKinley to take out the beast himself.

The small town with a dark secret is a trope well worn in American cinema, but it’s put to good use here. The early scenes in which Ambrose tries to sniff out the werewolf, hiding in plain sight among the easygoing townsfolk, are some of the best in the film.

Budget constraints mean we don’t see too much of the wolf early on, but as more of the citizens are contaminated, the beasts come bursting out of their human hosts. They seem to retain more of their humanity than many other movie werewolves - that is until they gruesomely rip off their faces as they make their final changes.

Late Phases goes for jumps and jolts more than good old fashioned gore, but its monsters are nice and horrid, and well utilised - and, as Ambrose dispatches them with silver bullets, they maintain classic werewolf lore.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)