10 Most Underrated Horror Movies Of 2019

7. Piercing

piercing mia wasikowska
Universal Pictures

Ryu Murakami is one of the most sickeningly disturbing horror writers of the past few decades, but the extreme nature of his books means they aren't exactly great fodder for movie adaptations.

Put simply, it's probably impossible to film a scene about a psychosexual serial killer who can pretty much stop time and also has a soft spot for genital mutilation.

Piercing is one of the tamer (in comparison) novels to adapt. The story is actually genius in a way, chronicling the story of Reed, a mild-mannered man who fakes a business trip away from his family so he can finally unleash his serial killer dreams.

The twist is, the sex worker he calls to murder is strangely okay with letting him do whatever he wants.

It's something Black Mirror wishes it could come up with, yet director Nicolas Pesce twists it through his own surreal Giallo lens, and a colourful visual design that at times is darkly comic, but never shies away from the macabre themes of the source material.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3