10 Most Underrated Lightsaber Duels In Star Wars History
7. Kit Fisto Vs. General Grievous – Clone Wars
It's a gorgeous fight: Kit Fisto taking on the quadruple-armed Grievous while balancing on beams in a haze of fog. What's not to love?
One of the first real lightsaber duels in The Clone Wars animated series set the bar high for all those that followed.
When Jedi Master Kit Fisto and his apprentice Nahdar Vebb track Separatist Nute Gungray's ship to the planet Vassek, they stumble into a trap set for them by General Grievous.
Grievous is able to separate the two Jedi, and kills Vebb while Fisto seeks to escape the trap.
Upon catching up with Grievous, the two begin to duel, and the scene is so beautifully put together that it's hard to understand why it isn't talked about more often.
Fighting in thick fog, the battle between the pair is frenetic and tense, with much of the action framed form a viewpoint just over Fisto's shoulder.
It's a scene that serves to reiterate just what a threat Grievous is in the series: neither a Sith nor Jedi, yet deadly with a lightsaber and utterly ruthless.