10 Most Underrated Lightsaber Duels In Star Wars History

4. Obi-Wan Kenobi & Adi Gallia Vs. Maul & Savage Opress

Darth Maul is a true fan-favourite, and the Maul/Kenobi rivalry is one of The Clone Wars' best storylines.

In the first episode of the animated series' fifth season, Maul and brother Savage Opress orchestrate an attack on pirate Honda Ohnaka's base on Florrum in order to claim it as their own.

Their attack is interrupted by Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia, who engage the brothers in combat after striking an uneasy truce with the pirates.

The resulting battle is every bit as fast-paced and narratively weighted as any other great Star Wars moment.

Obi-Wan and Maul trade blows while Gallia takes on Opress, and while the former pair are evenly matched, the same can't be said for the latter.

Opress quickly overpowers Gallia, and, after pinning her to a wall with the force, gores her with his horns in one of Star Wars' most brutal and unexpected deaths.

The scene is able to fully display the lengths the brothers are willing to go to in order to achieve their goals, and Obi-Wan is given adequate opportunity to display his skills as a true Jedi badass as he takes on both brothers at once while dual-wielding lightsabers.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.