10 Most Underrated Lightsaber Duels In Star Wars History

2. Darth Maul & Savage Opress Vs. Darth Sidious – The Clone Wars

Darth Sidious may have been a major player in the Skywalker saga, but one of the character's finest moments (and certainly his best action sequence) came during season five of animated series The Clone Wars.

Maul and brother Savage Opress had long been established as two of the galaxy's most dangerous characters, but Darth Sidious' appearance on Mandalore serves to cement his status as the most powerful (and evil) Sith Lord in the galaxy.

After taking on both brothers dual-wielding lightsabers, Palpatine easily dispatches Opress, toying with Maul as though he were little more than a plaything.

After a brief, cutting exchange in which Palpatine reminds Maul that he's been replaced, the future Emperor overpowers his former apprentice, employing his infamous Force lightning as a means of torture as he stands over the beaten fan-favourite.

Sidious was never given the chance in the live-action movies to display the full extent of his power, and this duel goes a long way toward righting that wrong. After all, this is a man who both deceives and runs the entire galaxy from both sides of a war, all without being detected even by the Jedi, yet this is the first time we really see him display his savagery.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.