10 Most Underrated Movie Remakes Since 2000

1. Maniac (2012)

A remake of the exploitive 1980 horror movie of the same name, Maniac was met with mixed reviews upon its release. It currently holds a very telling 49% on Rotten Tomatoes, thus proving just how dividing the film was as far the critics were concerned. And yet, despite the fact that the movie was talked up as a modern horror classic in the months prior to its release, Maniac came and went with little fanfare. Which is a shame, given that it's a seriously creepy horror flick featuring a truly transformative performance from Elijah Wood (clearly channelling his cannibalistic character, "Kevin," from Sin City) as a serial killer who takes over ownership of his mother's mannequin shop after her death. Whilst most viewers responded negatively towards the film's excessive use of gore, in retrospect it seems a little odd to hate on the movie for that particular aspect: the gore is in service of the plot, after all, and is - in an odd way - rendered with genuine artistry. Violence aside, Maniac is a horror experience unlike any other; its central conceit, that we only see events from the POV of the main character, feels both bold and innovating. As a result, Maniac has the feel of a strange, surreal experiment for the sum of its runtime. And, in a rare turn of events, it winds up being one remake that's a lot better than the original. Like this article? Agree or disagree that these movies are a bit underrated? Any others to add to the list? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments section below.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.