10 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Of The Decade

1. Source Code (2011)

Source Code
Summit Entertainment

Duncan Jones' Moon could probably also have qualified for this conversation, but by virtue of it being classed as Jones' magnum opus, it's harder to call it underrated. But there's a very compelling suggestion that his follow-up, Source Code, is actually a superior film.

Far more conventional in its sci-fi - and probably easier to call mainstream - the film follows Jake Gyllenhaal's time travelling hero as he attempts to stop a terrorist atrocity in an escalation of the familiar Quantum Leap concept.

It made money and critics were warm to it, but not to the extent that they really ought to be. It's generally considered around a 7 out of 10 by conventional metrics, when a 9 would be far more suitable. And more pertinently, it deserves to be considered alongside Moon, which is held as a work of art, thanks to Jones' deft directing, the clever premise and lots of gloss.

Which other underrated sci-fis released since 2010 do you think belong on this list? Share your suggestions below in the comments thread.

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