10 Most Underrated Star Wars Characters Ever
4. Nien Nunb
Seen as nothing more than a poor man's Chewbacca in the final assault of the Second Death Star in Return Of The Jedi, Nien Nunb was the Sullustan co-pilot in the Millennium Falcon with Lando. Not only does he not get the recognition he deserves for carrying out such a daring mission successfully, but most Star Wars fans probably don't even know this brave smuggler's name.
A dedicated and surprisingly principled member of the Rebel Alliance, what most fans of the series might have missed in their first viewings of the new Disney films is that Nien Nunb's days of piloting weren't over by the time The Force Awakens rolled around.
One of the very first people to join in the Resistance's fight against the First Order, Nien Nunb actually took part in the Battle of Starkiller Base, attended Han Solo's funeral and helped out with the evacuation of D'Qar. This brave pilot would eventually meet his end at the end of The Rise Of Skywalker, when Palpatine launched his huge eruption of Force Lightning over the skies of Exegol, bringing down Nien Nunb and his ship, the Tantive IV.