10 Most Underwhelming Horror Movie Monster Reveals

7. Brahms - The Boy

Rawhead Rex 2
STX Entertainment

The Boy is a super weird horror movie from 2016, starring The Walking Dead’s Lauren Cohan as Greta, an American woman hired to look after the house of an elderly British couple. 

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal - she gets paid to live in someone else’s house, eat their food, and watch as much trashy reality TV as she wants. There’s just one problem. The couple have left Greta in charge of Brahms, a life-size porcelain doll named after their dead son.

Is it too late to back out? 

As the movie progresses, it becomes startlingly clear that Brahms isn’t just a toy. Things begin to move in the house without Greta touching them and she can hear a child’s voice when nobody is there. She deduces that the real Brahms’ spirit is trapped inside the doll. Oh how wrong she was. 

When Greta is confronted by an abusive ex-boyfriend, the wall explodes behind her and out comes the real Brahms, who isn’t dead after all and has been living inside of the house for 20 years. 

This ridiculous twist completely disrupts the flow of the movie and was roundly mocked upon this film’s release. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.