10 Most Underwhelming Horror Movie Monster Reveals

6. The Ice Creature - Hypothermia

Rawhead Rex 2
Dark Sky Films

There have been some cracking horror movies set in icy places: The Thing, Dead Snow, and Black Christmas three such examples. Hypothermia from 2012 is not one of them.

Michael Rooker plays Ray, a man who falls into a frozen lake whilst ice fishing. This gets the attention of something living below the surface, which begins to stalk Ray and his family who are staying in a cabin nearby. They are joined by two more fishermen who want to capture and kill the ice creature, which predictably results in most of the characters getting picked off.

The makers of hypothermia were clearly hoping that the creature revealing itself would be a big moment. Alas, when it does finally surface during the film’s climax, it’s little more than a guy in a rubber suit, and not a good one either. 

This sort of thing would have looked ridiculous in 1952, let alone 60 years later, and the monster’s appearance completely invalidated any of the tension that had built up over the movie’s runtime. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.