10 Most Underwhelming Horror Movie Monster Reveals

3. Jack-O - Jack-O

Rawhead Rex 2
Triboro Entertainment Group

If you find the idea of a pumpkin with a silly face carved into it by children scary, then you may want to take a long hard look at yourself. 

Jack-O-Lanterns aren’t massively frightening on their own, but with a little bit of creativity, there’s probably a way to make them convincingly villainous. Sadly, none of that ability was on display in the 1995 film Jack-O. 

A direct-to-video affair, Jack-O is about a family named the Kellys who have a historical rivalry with another clan, the Machens. One Machen was hanged as a warlock by a Kelly ancestor back in the day, which leads to a modern relative creating a horrible monster to take revenge.

Unfortunately, this vicious harbinger of vengeance is some poor stuntman with a crappy plastic pumpkin shoved onto his head. 

When Jack-O emerges from the ground, he looks more like the mascot of a dodgy fast food chain than anything worth running away from. Whatever practical effects were needed to make him look good simply weren’t used, which resulted in a movie where a family pretends to be frightened of a Peanuts character for 90 minutes. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.