10 Most Unexpected Transformations In Zombie Movies

7. Karen - Night Of The Living Dead

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Night of the Living Dead centres around a group of survivors hiding in a farmhouse, which is being attacked by a zombie horde. While inside, the group discover a family hiding in the cellar, composed of a couple, Harry and Helen, and their daughter, Karen, who's been bitten.

Although Karen seems fine at first, she inevitably succumbs to the bite, and becomes a zombie. When Helen enters the cellar where Karen is supposedly resting, she's shocked to find her daughter devouring her father's corpse. Before Helen has a chance to react, Karen picks up a trowel and stabs her mother to death.

Although Night of the Living Dead has tons of zombies, Karen stands out since she's the first character we witness that turns into one. In fact, she's the only person in the whole film we actually see reanimate as a ghoul.

For many, this makes Karen the most tragic figure. Because she's depicted as a sweet, innocent girl, we can't help getting attached to her. So, when we watch Karen wolfing down her father's carcass and hacking her mother to death, it makes her fate all the more disturbing.


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