10 Most Unforgettable MCU Fight Scenes

5. Black Widow ft Happy Hogan - Iron Man 2

Black Widow Iron Man 2
Marvel Studios

Natasha Romanoff’s introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe immediately set up her character as that of someone who is not to be messed with: Stark’s read of her as far more capable than her alias of Natalie Rushman would let on proved accurate as she floored bodyguard Happy Hogan within seconds.

Her true spy skills, though, wouldn’t be demonstrated until the film’s denouement, when once again she out-guns Happy to take down hoards of armed bad guys.

The hilarity of the scene alone would have made it iconic - cutting between Favreau’s Hogan struggling with his first adversary while Romanoff finishes the job is the epitome of comedic timing - but Iron Man 2’s commitment to letting Natasha live up to her Black Widow identity, with her balletic fighting style and penchant for gadgets, allowed her to be as memorable as she deserves.

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Doing my best until I reach Miranda Priestly levels of journalistic success.