10 Most Unforgettable MCU Fight Scenes

4. Carol Danvers Finally Faces Yon-Rogg - Captain Marvel

Jude Law Yon-Rogg Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

This is the shortest scene on the list, but its length to satisfaction ratio really does prove that size doesn’t matter. Throughout Captain Marvel, “Vers” is constantly told to control her emotions and through that she will find true control of her powers. The main culprit of this advice is her mysterious mentor and commander, who for the longest time was only known as “played by Jude Law.”

Knowing that Yon-Rogg would be featuring in this film meant that many knew he’d be the bringer of bad news, and indeed the relationship built up throughout the movie between Yon-Rogg and Carol Danvers is irritating to say the least. It’s only when Carol Danvers discovers that using both her heart and her brain to fuel her powers that she discovers the true extent of her powers – the exact opposite of what Yon-Rogg has been telling her for six years!

When the whole audience realises that Danvers’ abilities have been held back by the man purporting to be the only one who can help her control them, to finally see him get clobbered by one of the most powerful figures in the MCU was a real fist-pump moment. Once again, Marvel really have a thing for cutting off baddies’ big speeches for comedic effect and seeing Yon-Rogg get blasted into a rock really was the best comeuppance for this overconfident Kree.

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Doing my best until I reach Miranda Priestly levels of journalistic success.