10 Most Unlikely Duos In Horror Movies

8. Norman & Phoenix - Don't Breathe 2 (2021)

Death Becomes Her
Sony Pictures Releasing

2016's Don't Breathe flipped the script on the home invasion horror, with Jane Levy's Rocky and her crew breaking into old blind veteran Norman's house only to discover his dark secrets, keenly-honed military skills and Daredevil-like sensory perception. Though Norman is still alive at the conclusion of the film, and Rocky has escaped with his cash, most of us assumed that was that, case closed.

Fast forward five years -- eight in-universe years -- and Norman has returned, this time with a little girl in tow: Phoenix (Madelyn Grace). It is soon revealed that the pair are a small family unit, aided by a sly bait and switch towards the beginning of the film, in which Norman and his Rottweiler Shadow hunt Phoenix through the woods, before this is revealed as one of their training exercises.

As stranger pair there never was (except perhaps Jean Reno and Natalie Portman in Léon), but it soon becomes apparent that this makeshift father-daughter combo are a match made in heaven. A gang of thugs descend upon Norman's house, intent on kidnapping Phoenix and revealing the dark truth of her real parents, and she must rely on Norman and the tricks he has taught her to survive.

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