10 Most Useless MCU Villains So Far

6. Justin Hammer

Avengers Infinity War Ebony Maw
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Justin Hammer is one of those villains that you just love to hate. He basically just wanted to be Tony Stark, and though he had somehow amassed an impressive fortune selling terrible weapons, he couldn’t even come close to Iron Man.

His ego and overconfidence were up there with some of the most self-obsessed villains in the history of the MCU, but at the same time, his actual level of threat was somewhere near the bottom. He barely even made an impact on Tony Stark.

In fact, Tony actively laughed at their ‘rivalry’, made no secret that he despised the man, and saw him as absolutely no threat whatsoever. Even after Hammer recruited Ivan Vanko to his team, he came no closer to overtaking Tony Stark as the country’s chief weapons manufacturer.

He put a lot of trust in a villain who had done absolutely nothing to earn it, a villain who manipulated him and put him and his resources only to his own uses, completely ignoring any other side of the bargain that was struck. In short, he made Hammer look stupid, and had no reservations about betraying him. Hammer was sent to jail without making any kind of progress with his plans, and outside of a cameo appearance in the 'All Hail the King' Marvel One-Shot, hasn't been seen since.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.