10 Most Useless MCU Villains So Far

4. Brock Rumlow

Avengers Infinity War Ebony Maw
Marvel Studios

How exciting was it when the Triskellion landed on Brock Rumlow’s face? It may be a weird thing to focus on, but the image of him in the hospital bed all but confirmed that his transition into Crossbones was coming, and sure enough, two years later it happened.

In the comics, following the Civil War it was Crossbones who killed Steve Rogers, so his appearance in a movie of the same name gave fans all kinds of ideas. How disappointing then, that Rumlow turned up at the beginning of the movie and was killed off pretty much straight away.

The new-look Avengers had been chasing Rumlow for six months when they caught up with him in Lagos, as he was after some sort of biological weapon. All his character was there to do however, was to be thrown into a building by Wanda, killing innocent people and kicking off the Sokovia Accords.

It was never even revealed exactly why he was after the weapon he was after in Nigeria, or who hired him. Instead of being there as a strong character in his own right, Rumlow was a means to an end, letting down many fans who were actually excited to see him on an MCU screen.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.