10 Most Wanted Movie Sequels That Would Never Work

6. Unbreakable 2

Unbreakable2 Unbreakable was director M. Night Shyamalan's sophomore effort, and though it wasn't an outright financial success, it received positive reviews, a cult following, and is on the list of Time's top ten superhero films of all time. News of a sequel has gone back and forth since its release in 2000, with Samuel L. Jackson stating his desire to return, and Bruce Willis hoping for a trilogy. Shyamalan has been especially indecisive, at times claiming that he never even considered it, and then later claiming that it was "getting closer" to happening. Fans have a tendency to hate the idea of never finding resolution to an open-ended story, and Unbreakable certainly offers that. It feels like a film missing its third act, and though it's something fans have been dying to see, I argue that it's better left the way it is. For one, any follow-up would fail to reach audiences' expectations, and Shyamalan's reluctance shows that his heart is no longer in the project. Considering his substantial fall from grace after releasing a series of flops (in terms of reviews and box office earnings), I doubt that he would be able to do the first film justice.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com