10 Most WTF Opening Scenes From Recent Movies

6. Elephant S**t Avalanche - Babylon

The Flash Baby

Even before we're shown a single second of decadent Hollywood revelling, Damien Chazelle's divisive drama Babylon begins with a scat joke designed to let audiences know what kind of barmy ride they're in for.

The story starts in 1926 as protagonist Manny (Diego Calva) is aiding in the transportation of an elephant to a debauched Hollywood party, but encounters problems when the heavy payload starts sliding back down the heavy incline leading to its delivery point.

One of Manny's co-workers gets behind the elephant to examine the situation, just as the elephant violently evacuates its bowels all over the poor guy.

Not merely content to settle for a broad poo joke, though, Chazelle ensures to linger on a close-up of the elephant's anus as it expands to release the bowel movement all over the worker.

Despite the gag lasting for all of around 15 seconds on screen, it took a phenomenal amount of planning to get right.

If nothing else, it guaranteed that even the most casual of moviegoers knew to settle in for something truly insane for the next three hours.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.