10 Most WTF Opening Scenes From Recent Movies

5. The Child Narrator - Magic Mike’s Last Dance

The Flash Baby
Warner Bros.

It's fair to say that the third Magic Mike movie is basically one giant WTF moment - a wildly unexpected and ultimately deeply disappointing threequel which eschewed the expected brotastic strip-show shenanigans for... something far more boring.

This decidedly un-sexy approach was cemented in the movie's first few seconds, though, when a child narrates an opening monologue about the origins and utility of dance in early civilisation, before revealing that Mike's (Channing Tatum) furniture business was wiped out by the pandemic.

It's reasonable to assume that nobody going to see a Magic Mike movie wants to see children anywhere near this thing.

And yet, the odd choice is made even worse once we learn that the voice belongs to Zadie (Jemelia George), the daughter of socialite Max (Salma Hayek), ensuring she becomes a prominent, honest-to-God character for the rest of the film.

Clearly Steven Soderbergh had no interest at all in just giving fans another charming strip-fest, but did it really have to go this way?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.