10 Movie Actors About To Play Totally Against Type

8. Billy Magnussen As A CIA Agent - No Time To Die

Game Night Billy Magnussen
Warner Bros.

Billy Magnussen has one of those rubbery faces that just screams "comedy actor," and so it's little surprise his most high-profile roles to date have been in lighter adventure and comedy vehicles such as Into the Woods, Ingrid Goes West, Game Night and Aladdin.

But Magnussen looks set to re-shape his image after being cast in the new Bond film No Time to Die.

Though his character still hasn't officially been named or identified, reports point to him playing a CIA agent who will cross paths with 007 (Daniel Craig) and Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) in the movie's Jamaica-set portion.

There's zero chance of Magnussen pulling his usual comedic shenanigans on the movie, so it'll be interesting to see him working in a decidedly more dramatic mode.

His Instagram posts from the set certainly show him in terrific shape, so expect to see Magnussen getting in on the action, whatever that action may be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.