10 Movie And TV Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (July 28th)

6. New Direction For Heavy Metal Reboot?

At Comic Con the many passionate fans of the cult sci-fi animated film Heavy Metal were given the first nugget of insight into the forthcoming reboot. A poster for the re-imagining of the 1981 movie was shown at Comic-Con as a teaser for fans. There€™s no denying that the poster is exceptional. With its trippy, Star-Wars-on-Acid art style it comes as little surprise that it was designed by Swedish artist Kilian Eng, who also created the awesome poster for the Jodorowsky€™s Dune documentary. However, the poster doesn't ostensibly feature any elements taken from the film it is rebooting. There is €“ for example €“ no overt reference to the Loc-Nar which acted as the unifying element of the anthology-style film. This could mean the reboot will have rather less to do with the original than was expected. Fans of the cult movie have been waiting for over three decades for a satisfactory return to the compelling adult sci-fi world presented in Heavy Metal. The direct-to-video sequel Heavy Metal 2000 lacked all of the off-beat charm of the original. Fans of the first film are willing Robert Rodriguez (the new director) to do their beloved Heavy Metal justice.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.