10 Movie Bars You Should Probably Avoid On A Pub Crawl

8. The Prince of Wales Pub - The Firm

The Firm 1989 The majority of the original Firm, which starred Gary Oldman and Phil Davis, revolved around a bunch of grown men who should know better vying for the spot as the top firm in London. Looking like a bunch of yuppies with their spiv moustaches and jackets with sleeves rolled up they swagger there way from West Ham match to West Ham match and Millwall match to Millwall match looking for trouble and ribbing one another in near the bone acts of childish one-upmanship. As brutal as some of the violence is in this fine portrait of Thatcher's Britain it is the final moments that are most chilling when Yeti (Davis) finds Oldman's Bex Bissel in the Prince of Wales pub and shoots him dead. There's nothing humorous about the moment it's just plain terrifying that things like that really can happen. We all know a pub that is best avoided on match day and the Prince of Wales is the epitome of that,

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.