10 Movie Bromances That Were Incredibly Unhealthy

8. Midnight Cowboy

midnightcowboy-1 Midnight Cowboy centers on the experiences of a naive young man Joe Buck (Jon Voight) who travels from a small town in Texas to make it as a male hustler in New York City. It is a dark and sometimes disturbing portrait of New York and at the film's emotional core is the relationship between Joe and crippled con artist Ratso Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman). It is definitely a prototypical bromance that just so happens to be between a gigolo and a sleazy cripple. The bromance however is just as turbulent and seedy as the social backdrop depicted in the film. The unlikely friendship between the two characters is born out of necessity. Joe needs a place to stay and Rizzo sees an opportunity to use his hustling abilities to get a piece of his earnings. Rizzo is always working an angle and trying to grift money out of anyone and it is no exception with Joe. No sooner than Rizzo has met Joe and he tricks him out of twenty dollars. It is obvious that Joe and Rizzo care about each other and find solace in each others company. Joe touchingly cares for Rizzo when he is sick and buys him new clothes when they are travelling to Florida. All the same it seems all too clear that both of them have an agenda and that their friendship is one of convenience.
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Daniel is a writer obsessed with film and music and spends as much time as possible immersing himself in both. Sometimes he forgets where movies end and life begins.