10 Movie Bromances That Were Incredibly Unhealthy

7. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

one flew over the cuckoos nest This classic movie follows the experiences of a brash and free-spirited man named Randle Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) who is admitted to a mental institution. McMurphy is full of life and is eminently like-able so soon befriends many of the patients with his hi-jinks. Bromance abounds as McMurphy develops special relationships with a native american man called Chief who is believed to mute and a young boy named Billy. McMurphy at one point breaks his band of crazies out of the institution to take them deep-sea fishing and throws a party in the ward which culminates with Billy losing his virginity. The bromance however seems to takes its toll on McMurphy as he spirals out of control unable to deal with system that he so desperately rebels against. It's as if all of the patients feed off of him and become more vibrant and alive while he fades away inch by inch. McMurphy draws chief out of his slumber and makes him feel as big as a mountain. The fact that Chief is finally ready to escape with McMurphy makes our heroes demise all the more tragic and devastating.
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Daniel is a writer obsessed with film and music and spends as much time as possible immersing himself in both. Sometimes he forgets where movies end and life begins.