10 Movie Bromances That Were Incredibly Unhealthy

6. Pineapple Express

pineapple express Seth Rogen and James Franco form an unlikely bromance in the ridiculous but extremely entertaining stoner comedy Pineapple Express. Dale Denton (Rogen) has only one reason he visits his his spaced out drug deal Saul Silver (Franco) and that is to buy weed from him. When Dale witnesses a murder by a crooked cop he must go on the run with his drug dealer Saul. The awkward relationship between a drug dealer and his customer is mined for every possible ounce of comedy in Pineapple express. The origins of the bromance are rather pathetic. After Dale buys his weed from Saul he heads for the door only to have Saul plead with him to stay and watch TV while they smoke a joint. However after they hide out in a car in the woods together and face their fears Dale and Saul gradually form an unusual bromance that matures before our eyes and develops into something equal parts sweet and uncomfortable. The bromance nevertheless continually gravitates toward the strange and the unhealthy. Throughout the bromance Saul is paranoid about whether Dale actually likes him and at one point they fight and breakup. The peculiar nature of the bromance is even graphically acted out in a hilarious scene where Dale rubs his belt buckle on Saul's hands to break his constraints and save him, finally asking Saul to re-position and, "finish it off in my mouth pal".
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Daniel is a writer obsessed with film and music and spends as much time as possible immersing himself in both. Sometimes he forgets where movies end and life begins.