10 Movie Cameos That Left Us All Speechless

7. Brad Pitt - Deadpool 2

Matt Damon Eurotrip

Deadpool 2 is jam-packed with mind-blowing cameos - including another from Matt Damon himself - but the one that truly nobody ever saw coming also flies by in no more than a second.

During the superhero sequel's hilarious X-Force sequence, the majority of the team ends up dying in a multitude of absurd ways, including invisible hero The Vanisher, who gets barbecued after his parachute lands on some electric power lines.

And for just a second-or-so, we get to see the actor "playing" The Vanisher: Brad Pitt. Originally the scene wasn't written to include a cameo, but writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese eventually decided to try and score one of the biggest A-listers in Hollywood for a fleeting appearance, with Ryan Reynolds personally reaching out to Pitt.

Pitt, who was originally in talks to play Cable, agreed immediately, and filmed his tiny role for free in two hours. Reynolds explained the cameo's brilliant shock value best himself:

"I just loved it, because what's more irresponsible than taking one of the biggest movie stars in the world and giving him a role that is utterly wordless and invisible with an exception of three frames of film? Yeah that's kind of amazing."

For a character who was still a cinematic joke not that long ago, to be associated with one of the most statuesque A-listers working today is a phenomenal glow-up.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.