10 Movie Cameos That Were Total Accidents
9. Army Of The Dead - Zack Synder
Director Zack Synder has a habit of finding a space for an appearance in almost all of his blockbuster hits, whether he produced or directed them. From the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake where he plays a marine right up to Wonder Woman where he… also plays a marine.
These are obviously intentional examples but there’s one case where Synder appears in a movie without meaning to.
Army of the Dead is a genre-smash of zombie thriller and classic heist movie that starts with an insane montage of the undead apocalypse. As the zombies take Las Vegas and eat anything that moves, there’s a sequence of a man in a toupee running from topless showgirl ghouls. For a very brief two frames, you can see Zack Synder directing in the reflection of a mirror above a jacuzzi.
Magically erasing these kinds of things are standard practice in movie making these days but occasionally errors like this are bound to get through. In fact, in this case, Synder apparently saw this mistake in the editing room but figured nobody would spot it.
When you give fans the expectation that you love cameoing in your films, how could you not expect them to trawl through every frame?