10 Movie Characters That Mean More Than You Think

10. Tracker Peg - Django Unchained

Django Unchained Peg Zoe Bell

You might remember that Quentin Tarantino's regular stuntwoman collaborator Zoë Bell had a small role in Django Unchained as a Candieland tracker, Peg, who wears a red bandana over her face.

Tarantino lingers on Bell's face for just long enough that it feels like she's about to become a significant player in the movie's events, but mere moments after she's seen looking at a photo, Django (Jamie Foxx) bursts in the door and guns her and all the other trackers down.

Bell was asked about her character on the movie's press tour and confirmed that she was originally supposed to have a much larger role, which would've included an exploration of her backstory and also a fight scene. Furthermore, she added that the character's lower-jaw was missing - hence the bandana.

But ever-pressing time constraints meant Tarantino never got time to film her more expansive role.

As Bell put it so brilliantly herself, "I guess when you’re getting such brilliant s**t with Leo and Jamie and Christoph, you just keep shooting and time kind of got crunchy."

Fans have speculated on precisely what was intended for Peg, with some suggesting that she may have been Django's former childhood friend, given that the photo she's looking at shows two children, one black and one white, hanging out.

But whatever the full truth, she was clearly supposed to be a far more pivotal piece of the film's puzzle than the realities of filmmaking unfortunately allowed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.