10 Movie Characters Who Actually Knew When To Quit

6. Dr. Silberman - Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines

Psylocke X Men
Warner Bros.

One of the Terminator series' most memorable supporting characters is Dr. Peter Silberman (Earl Boen), a criminal psychologist who expresses intense skepticism over Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) and especially Sarah Connor's (Linda Hamilton) tales of the future in the first two movies.

In one of the third film's funniest moments, he makes a brief cameo appearance in the middle of an action sequence set at a mausoleum, where John Connor (Nick Stahl), Kate Brewster (Clare Danes), and the T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) stop to pick up weapons and supplies.

During the fight, the cops secure Kate - who, technically, was a hostage of John and the Terminator - and take her to an ambulance, where she's greeted by Silberman.

He introduces himself as a post-trauma counsellor, and when Kate insists that the T-800 isn't human, Silberman patronisingly assures her that she's imagining things, while noting that he himself was in a similar situation in the two prior films.

Hilariously, Silberman notes that it took years for him to get over what happened to him, and just at that moment, the T-800 emerges out of the mausoleum with a giant cache of weapons, causing a stunned Silberman to immediately high-tail it.

Granted, the T-800 wouldn't have actually caused him any harm in this instance, but given his prior traumatic experiences being around Terminators, he at least knew it was time to get the hell out of dodge.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.