10 Movie Characters Who Actually Knew When To Quit

7. Agents Brown & Jones - The Matrix

Psylocke X Men
Warner Bros.

Though Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) is of course The Matrix's ultimate antagonist, he works alongside two other Agents who regularly appear throughout the film - Agent Brown (Paul Goddard) and Agent Jones (Robert Taylor).

Yet despite being sentient programs with a single-minded commitment to destroying Neo (Keanu Reeves), even they have enough self-preservation instinct to know when they're fighting a losing battle.

After Neo flies inside Smith and obliterates him, Neo turns his attention to the two remaining agents, who promptly stare at each other and, without saying anything, both run off in opposite directions.

They're never seen again in the movie nor have they ever re-appeared in any of the three sequels, and though it's possible they were deleted and replaced by the new Agent programs encountered in the sequels, it's also possible they refused to be deleted and became exile programs.

No matter what eventually happened to them, they knew they were in the presence of greatness when they saw what Neo did to Smith, and thought better of sticking around to fight him.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.