10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

5. Emperor Palpatine - Return Of The Jedi & The Rise Of Skywalker

Imhotep Mummy

As the Star Wars series has highlighted time and time again over the years, falling down a shaft simply isn't enough to guarantee that any character will be definitively gone forever within this galaxy far, far away...

But perhaps the most notable example of a character somehow surviving the sort of fall that would be the death of the average Joe or Jane within this corner of the galaxy comes in the form of Ian McDiarmid's Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Emperor Palpatine.

After being sent to his tumbling doom by former apprentice Darth Vader in the closing stages of Return of the Jedi, stubborn ol' Sheev managed to wiggle his way back into existence via the transferring of his essence into a rapidly deteriorating clone of his original body by the time of The Rise of Skywalker.

And while the Emperor may have been able to fall back on a pretty effective contingency plan in the wake of his Episode VI demise, the second coming of Sheev didn't account for his granddaughter eventually coming back to finish the job The Chosen One started a few decades earlier.

Sure enough, Rey Palpatine was ultimately able to harness the strength of the many Jedi that had fallen over the years long enough to deflect her grand-Palps' lightning back onto himself and kill him (and herself for a moment) in the process once again.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...