10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

4. Neo - The Matrix & The Matrix Revolutions

Imhotep Mummy
Warner Bros. Pictures

He may have eventually been able to stop bullets with the wave of a hand, but that still couldn't stop Thomas Anderson from biting the dust on two separate occasions during his time connected to The Matrix.

First being effectively shut down during the closing events of the 1999 flick that started it all, Neo finds himself being fatally shot in the chest by arch-nemesis Agent Smith whilst trying to stay alive within The Matrix.

On that occasion, though, The One was triumphantly smooched back into existence by Trinity on the back of declaring to his lifeless corpse in the real world that the Oracle foretold she'd fall in love with said One.

How romantic.

Two films on from that epic comeback, though, Neo was once again killed during The Matrix Revolutions, only this time in an act of sacrifice as The One allowed himself to be assimilated by Smith before the machines sent a shock of energy into his body and destroyed both in the process.

And simply refusing to let the poor lad rest in pease, Neo was then once again brought back into the fold via resurrection 60 years later, along with Trinity, with the pair being revived by The Analyst in the aptly titled The Matrix Resurrections sequel.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...