10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

3. Vision - Avengers: Infinity War

Imhotep Mummy
Marvel Studios

Wanda Maximoff definitely wasn't the only one who felt like they'd just had their heart torn out of their chest repeatedly when Thanos' pursuit of the Mind Stone during Infinity War saw Vision being massacred twice back-to-back.

After already summoning up the strength to smash the precious yellow gem out of her lover's skull and killing him during this desperate surge of power, Elizabeth Olsen's long-suffering Scarlet Witch was forced to watch her bionic man once again be taken from her thanks to the big purple menace's newly obtained Infinity Stone.

One flick of a Time Stone-infused wrist later, Vis was back amongst the living. And another crushing act of Mad Titan brutality later, he'd completed his return trip back into oblivion.

And while a few versions of the synthezoid have managed to wiggle their way back into the MCU in the time since this catastrophic repeated end, that still won't erase the devastating fact the OG vibranium legend was royally obliterated twice in quick succession in front of an understandably distraught Wanda.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...