10 Movie Characters Who Fought Younger Versions Of Themselves

7. Jean-Luc Picard - Star Trek: Nemesis

Captain America v Captain America Endgame
Paramount Pictures

As the inventors of the concept of the "Mirror Universe" where you know everyone is the evil version of themselves because of the goatee beards, the Star Trek franchise has a long history of characters battling their alternate selves. For an older-self-versus-younger-self battle specifically, though, we have to look to the final movie in the original run of big screen Trek.

After numerous memorable encounters with the genuinely disturbing Borg, what at the time was Captain Picard's swansong instead revealed that his actual Nemesis was himself. Sort of. A version of himself as an anemic Tom Hardy anyway.

Hardy's Shinzon is a younger clone of Picard, cooked up by the Romulans and then kind of forgotten about until he leads a coup against them. He is dying due to the cloning process and needs the DNA of his older self to survive. So really all Picard needs to do is stay well away and wait for Shinzon to die naturally.

Instead Picard boards his younger clone's ship alone to confront him.

The Winner:

Emphatically the older self. There's a brief scuffle and then Picard impales Shinzon on a pole. The original Picard lives on to eventually continue his adventures two decades later in his eponymous TV show.


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