10 Movie Characters Who Fought Younger Versions Of Themselves

6. Rex Dangervest - The Lego Movie 2

Captain America v Captain America Endgame
Warner Bros

Galaxy defending archaeologist, cowboy and raptor trainer, Rex Dangervest is everything good natured Lego Movie hero Emmet wishes he could be (and, not coincidentally, an amalgam of every major Chris Pratt character).

Then it turns out that Rex actually is Emmet, only older and embittered from being trapped under a dryer and having to claw his own way out after being forgotten. Of course, in the Lego world's metanarrative he's also a slightly older kid's idea of a cooler, darker, edgier hero than the original's beffudled nice guy; a manly hero for boys with little time for girly or childish things.

Rather than allowing Finn and his sister to play nicely together, Rex's anger at how he was treated leads him to build a time machine to go back and convince his younger self to join him in a plan for "Armamageddon".

Emmet has to fight him to stop all of the Lego pieces being put into storage for good.

The Winner:

The younger self through the power of friendship. Rex is essentially a jaded loner, but Emmet has the support of sometime Wyldstyle Lucy and his other friends.

In the final battle, Rex catapults Emmet to his own former place under the dryer, but Emmet's friends come to rescue him. Rex disappears from existence when Emmet reveals that he will never grow up to become him.


Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies