10 Movie Characters Who Fought Younger Versions Of Themselves

4. Captain America - Avengers: Endgame

Captain America v Captain America Endgame
Marvel Studios

As the grand finale to the decade-long Infinity Saga, Avengers: Endgame used its time travel conceit to drop back in on some of the MCU's high points (and Thor: The Dark World), pulling some Back To The Future 2 shenanigans with inserting the current versions of our heroes just out of shot eavesdropping on their past selves.

Steve Rogers's return to the events in the immediate aftermath of the original Avengers movie, though, offered more than just an opportunity for future-Steve to check out America's ass from the perspective of an onlooker. It also answered the question of who would win in a fight between Captain America and another Captain America.

With Steve having acquired Loki's sceptre containing the Mind Stone, the only thing that stands between him and returning the stone to his own time is his own Avengers-era self who mistakes him for a disguised Loki.

The Winner:

Older Cap makes good use of his extra years of experience and knowledge. In fact, coming from years of a darker timeline he has less time for his own earnest do-gooder qualities of a few years earlier, rolling his eyes at his "I could do this all day" line.

Ultimately, the older Steve (who has already used his knowledge of HYDRA's infiltration of SHIELD to acquire the sceptre by pretending to be a HYDRA agent) gets one over on his younger self by distracting him with the knowledge that Bucky still lives. Younger Steve would never be so devious!


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