10 Movie Characters Who Fought Younger Versions Of Themselves

3. Henry Brogan - Gemini Man

Captain America v Captain America Endgame
Paramount Pictures

A plot concept that had been hanging around since the 90s, when the retired assassin and his younger clone rival were due to be played by Harrison Ford or Mel Gibson, Gemini Man has the distinct feel of a high concept sci-fi action pitch whose time has passed.

Nevertheless, it's a treat for fans of people fighting their younger selves because it offers fights between regular Will Smith and not one, but two digitally de-aged Will Smith clones.

Smith's Henry Brogan is the world's top assassin disillusioned with murdering people for the government. Vaguely Fresh Prince-looking Smith is "Junior", his private military project clone sent to "retire" Henry for good and use his identical skillset to replace him.

There is a fight between the two, but, once they team up and still need an adversary to battle, the movie's climax then features a third Smith as yet another clone with all his emotions and pain receptors removed (making it OK to kill him, apparently).

The Winner:

Younger Will Smith is on the verge of killing the older one deep in some catacombs before Mary Elizabeth Winstead - as a rare Gemini Man character not played by Will Smith - stops him.

It then takes all three of them to repeatedly shoot and explode the even younger super-clone. So, ultimately a victory for older selves, then?


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