10 Movie Characters Whose Personalities Suddenly Changed In Sequels

8. Albus Dumbledore - Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

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Albus Dumbledore is a core character in both the Harry Potter books and movie adaptations. As headmaster of Hogwarts, he is a powerful wizard but at the same time is a gentle old man who serves as one of Harry's father figures.

In the first two films, the character was played by the late Richard Harris, who embodied the character from the twinkle in his eye to his grandfatherly attitude toward his students. But as the actor passed away after Chamber of Secrets, Michael Gambon took over the role for the rest of the series.

Gambon's first appearance was decent enough, but by the fourth film, Goblet of Fire, the change in the character would become infamous among hardcore Potterheads. In a notorious scene in the movie, Dumbledore angrily storms the room to ask Harry if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire. Not only is it upsetting to watch, but this is a far cry from the kind old man we saw in the previous pictures.

This change is largely attributed to Gambon's lack of knowledge of the source material, but the blame should also be put to the filmmakers who knew of the book and how out-of-character it was for Dumbledore to act like this.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.