10 Movie Characters You Didn't Know Got Away With Breaking Laws

6. Ororo Munroe (Storm) - X-Men

Storm Halle Berry
20th Century Fox

Storm is a valued member of the X-men and many of students at Professor Xavier’s school look to her for guidance as one of the more experienced members of the mutant group.

This trust may be misplaced however, and questions need be asked of Prof. X for housing an individual who possesses the power to weaponize the weather. Not because she can’t be trusted but because of how illegal it is to employ an individual who can manipulate her environment dramatically with devastating consequences.

Storm is arguably one of the most powerful mutants due to this unique power which grants her the ability to control any ecosystem she finds herself in. She can produce lightening and operate it with deadly effectiveness. She can also create a varied array of meteorological disturbances such as hurricanes, blizzards and mist.

All of this may be useful when battling foes such as Magneto, but it also against the Environmental modification Convention which prohibits any individual or entity from operating the weather in a manner considered hostile.

In this post: 
The Avengers
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Jack Knott hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.