10 Movie Characters You Didn't Know Got Away With Breaking Laws

5. Batman - The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Quiz
Warner Bros.

Continuing the trend of scrutinising Earth’s mightiest heroes, attention is turned to the Dark Knight, who is far from exempt when it comes to breaking the odd law here and there. It's sort of his MO as Gotham's protector.

But one big law few people realise Bruce Wayne is guilty of is well, Embezzlement.

Yep, while he may be the majority stakeholder in Wayne Enterprises this doesn’t gift Bruce with the option to do what he wants with company assets as he wishes, and yet he acts as if he is entitled to do just that. This is seen when he requests Lucius Fox to make some new and improved gadgets for him to use. This varies from new attachments for his suit to a personal tank.

The intentions behind Mr Wayne’s actions may be pure but Company Law exists for a reason. Even his pockets may not be deep enough to avoid this financial felony. Oh, the irony if Batman was sent to Gotham’s prison or worse, asylum. It wouldn’t be impossible, questions would surely be asked of a man’s sanity who thinks dressing as a bat to fight crime is appropriate leisure activity.

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The Avengers
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