10 Movie Characters You Secretly Wish Your Girlfriend Was Like

9. Sally Albright - When Harry Met Sally

In When Harry Met Sally, Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) is initially presented as the type of high-maintenance, career-chasing girl that guys would naturally avoid at all costs. Being placed on screen opposite the easy-going, so laid-back he€™s almost horizontal Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) doesn€™t help either. His casual air of nonchalance is in antithesis to her constant striving for perfection. But as the film progresses you can€™t help but feel warmth for Sally, and endearment for all those little annoying tendencies she has. As Harry states in one of the most heartfelt romantic speeches in movie history €˜I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich€™. Sally has that girl-next-door charm which more than compensates for her various foibles.

A student currently doing an English Language & Literature degree. I'm kind of a big deal. My apartment smells of rich mahogany and I have many leather-bound books. Anchorman is my favourite film.