10 Movie Cliffhangers That Were Ignored In The Sequel

7. The Pteranodons Escape The Island - Jurassic Park III

The Matrix Reloaded Neo
Universal Studios

Jurassic Park III is admittedly a big 'ol mess of a movie, largely due to the fact that it began filming without a completed script, hence why the movie basically doesn't have a third act, ending just as it starts getting interesting - in a mere 92 minutes, no less.

The cliffhanger sees Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and company rescued by the Marine Corps at the eleventh hour, seemingly setting the stage for an all-out battle between the Marines and the remaining dinosaurs on Isla Sorna.

But the more game-changing revelation is that, as Grant and his fellow survivors are flown off the island, we see numerous Pteranodons flying away, implying that they're now out in the wild and free to prey on the wilder world.

Yet the sequel's underwhelming commercial performance put the series on ice for the better part of 15 years, until the release of 2015's soft reboot Jurassic World.

Sadly the fourth movie basically acted like the Pteranodons' escape never happened, returning instead to Isla Nublar for a flashy retooling of the original Jurassic Park concept.

At least the upcoming Jurassic World Dominion seems fully committed to dinosaurs wreaking havoc among civilisation - an idea the franchise has squandered far too many times.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.