10 Movie Deaths That Were Supposed To Be WAY Better

7. Jenny & Marnie - Scream 4

Iron Man 3
Dimension Films

Scream 4's deliciously meta opening sequence concludes with the deaths of Woodsboro students Jenny Randall (Aimee Teegarden) and Marnie Cooper (Britt Robertson) at the hands of Ghostface.

In the theatrical version of the scene, while Jenny is being antagonised by Ghostface on the phone, Marnie's corpse is thrown through the patio window.

Following a merry chase, Ghostface uses the garage door to stop Jenny escaping - in an homage to Tatum's (Rose McGowan) death form the first film - before fatally stabbing her.

It's a fine enough scene, but the original iteration is so much better. In this version, the "protagonist" role is effectively switched, with Jenny being brutally stabbed to death in front of Marnie, who initially believes it to be a prank.

Marnie is then captured and stabbed to death herself, leading into the opening titles. An additional deleted scene makes it even nastier by showing Dewey (David Arquette) attending the crime scene, where Jenny has been tied to a chair and Marnie hung from the ceiling fan.

By comparison, Marnie dying off-screen and Jenny being foiled by a garage door seems rather lame.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.