10 Movie Douchebags You Can’t Help But Love

7. Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson)

Movie: Zombieland (2009) Why He€™s a Douche: Two Woody Harrelson characters in one list?! What can I say, the guy does douche well, and I mean that as a whole-hearted compliment. Tallahassee (real name unknown) is the type of guy that masks his true pain with insults and violence. As a result you€™d struggle to get along with him in real life; struggle even to maintain a conversation with him. He€™s emotionally immature, and he knows it €“ we€™re never really told how he got on in life before the Zombocalypse, but we can safely assume that thanks to his needlessly abrasive personality, it wasn€™t smoothly. Why You Love Him: In Zombieland, he€™s a polar opposite to the other protagonist, Jesse Eisenberg€™s Columbus, and as such the pair are offset beautifully. While you€™d probably avoid Tallahassee like the Zombie plague itself in reality, he€™s exactly the kind of guy you€™d want by your side should the dead start to rise. In a post-apocalypse world devoid of hope, Tallahassee finds his true calling: making the undead just plain ol€™ regular dead, and that is one badass profession. And that makes him pretty tough to dislike.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.