10 Movie Easter Eggs Added At The Last Minute

8. Richard Branson's Cameo - Casino Royale

Casino Royale Richard Branson

The Easter Egg

During the first-act Miami airport sequence, audiences who keep their eyes peeled might notice a not-terribly-subtle cameo from Virgin founder Richard Branson, who is seen getting a pat-down from security personnel.

Fun fact - when the film is shown on competing airlines, both Branson and any clips of his Virgin planes are cut out of the film entirely. How petty.

The Story

But Branson's cameo was actually the result of a quid-pro-quo between the business magnate and Bond producers, who were caught in a bit of a pinch.

While shooting the exterior airport sequence in Prague, the production desperately needed a plane, and Branson agreed to lend one of his aircraft to the production, saving them a considerable expense in the process.

Producer Barbara Broccoli said, "He was very supportive of us and he helped us out when we needed a plane in Prague." But Branson's aid didn't come totally free, as he consequently asked the filmmakers if he could have a quick cameo in recompense.

They duly complied, of course, and Broccoli added, "He had a lot of fun and he was a trooper and it was a long night."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.