10 Movie Fanbases That Are Extremely Irritating

7. Twi-Hards

Twilight Kristen StewartWhat They Think: "A love triangle between a dead guy, a werewolf and an emotionally vacuous female is an emotional, heart-stirring romance. GO TEAM JACOB!" I and millions of others worldwide let out a collective sigh of relief last November when the Twilight series finally closed its doors, as it meant we wouldn't have to deal with Twi-hards clogging up Leicester Square with their high-pitched squealing every 18 months or so. Though the debates will rage on forever more by way of message boards, the fact that it's out of sight makes it very much resemble white noise that can be easily tuned out. The hilarious thing is just how utterly besotted the fans are with the material; while I appreciate that it's geared towards a very specific chick lit market (though plenty of astute, middle-aged women I know read it in a quasi-ironic context), it's hard to believe how insanely popular such a bizarre and misguided romance is. The fans have bought into it in an unimaginable way that has seen insane box office grosses, despite the horrible acting, cheesy visual effects and inane story.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.