10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

7. Black Widow - Brainwashed And Controlled By Your Creepy Father

Spiral Saw
Marvel Studios

Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanoff had long confessed to having a sizeable amount of red in her ledger. And a lot of said red came in the form of a young child being caught in the middle of an assassination attempt, seemingly killing the infant in the process.

That child was none other than General Dreykov's daughter, Antonia. But all wasn't as it appeared in the end.

As it goes, Antonia had actually survived the horrific incident. But, instead of compassionately nursing his daughter back to health, Dreykov eventually opted to turn his own flesh and blood into a mind-controlled killer thanks to a chip he had installed into her brain as an attempt to numb her pain.

Though the death of an innocent child in the midst of a catastrophic event would've been absolutely dreadful, the realisation that this assumed event gave way to Dreykov manipulating his own daughter as his own personal assassin is about as sickening an act as they come.

Thankfully, Antonia is freed from this control late in the day, but being forced to act as an almost robotic murder machine for much of her life can't have been a joyful way to grow up.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...