10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

6. The Suicide Squad - Crushed By An Entire Jotunheim Reactor

Spiral Saw
Warner Bros.

In a film which boasts some of the most shocking sequences of murder and mayhem you're ever likely to see pumped into a superhero romp, there's one apparent death in particular that stands above the rest in terms of its sheer brutality and consequences once the credits rolled.

Sure, seeing a dude be ripped to shreds or trampled by a giant starfish is pretty extreme, but seeing John Cena's Peacemaker not only be savagely wounded by bullet shards to the throat before being crumpled into the ground by an entire Jotunheim reactor undoubtedly takes the death scene cake.

Only it would have, were it not for the fact that this douchey Captain America-type actually survived the whole damn thing. As revealed in the post credits scene for the flick, the bro-ey, tighty-whities-wearer actually lived through the no-doubt excruciating experience of having a gigantic building crush him to pieces and was being nursed back to health in the hospital - readying him for an HBO spin-off series, no less.

Superhuman resilience or not, experiencing your throat being slit open and a building landing on you isn't anyone's idea of a good time.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...