10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

5. Candyman - Becoming The Legend

Spiral Saw
Universal Pictures

Inspiration can be a devastating beast as Yahya Abdul-Mateen II's Anthony McCoy unsettlingly found out over the course of this year's sequel to 1992's Candyman.

After becoming engrossed by the myth surrounding Sherman Fields, a man who was believed to have placed a razor blade in a piece of candy that a White girl wound up eating before later be absolved of this crime, McCoy is thrust deeper and deeper into the world of this figure after his art based on Fields starts to garner attention.

Before long, McCoy is introduced to more of the lore involving the Candyman "hive", and a fateful bee sting begins to alter his appearance to the point of himself becoming the next iteration of the legend. By the time the feature comes to a close, Anthony has been wrongly gunned down by the police, only to return as the fully-fledged Candyman to massacre them, forever cursed to arrive into people's lives should they dare utter his name five times in a mirror.

Admittedly, Candyman is seen as something of a force of good in these closing stages, but you still won't find many people lining up to have their soul corrupted by the spirit of this deeply chilling figure.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...